Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google.
Collectively known as ‘FAANG’.
If you’ve wanted to make money from the stock market over the past few years, FAANG stocks are what you bought.
And, depending on when you bought them, you could be very well off right now…
- Facebook’s stock – despite recent negative press – is up +335% since its IPO in May 2012
- Amazon stock is up +1,756% in the ten years since April 2008…
- Apple is up +701% over the same time period
- Netflix is up +5,774% over the past decade…
- And Google’s stock price is up +336% since April 2008.
Had you bought $1,000 worth of stock in each of FAANG stock on these dates, you’d have $94,020 today.
But let’s be honest…
Nobody did that
Very few private investors parted with their cash to buy the FAANG companies ten years ago.
Even fewer bought them at IPO (even though we all wish we had).
These businesses are famous for making a bet that that the internet would revolutionise work, leisure time and social lives around the world.
They won that bet.
Now they’re making another one.
In the last five years:
- Facebook staked US$12.2 million (just in January this year…)
- Amazon has laid out $775 million on this bet…
- Apple has spent US$10.5 billion
- Netflix made a bet worth US$1 billion a year…
- Google has put down US$525 million…
Where is all this cash going?
It’s mostly being spent to acquire a handful of smaller businesses… that specialise in a particular type of technology…
…A technology that will ensure the FAANG companies dominate the corporate landscape for the next ten years…
I’m writing today because, right now, you have a small window of opportunity to follow the FAANG money into this trade…
In fact, some are even calling it: ‘The New FAANG Trade’.
But this is not about buying Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix or Google stock – even though I’m sure these stocks will continue to climb steadily…
This is about investing in the emerging technology the FAANG companies themselves are buying…
…For the chance to make much more… possibly 1,000%–2,000% over the coming months…
…As this technology is adopted by pretty much every industry you can think of.
And let me tell you: this so-called ‘New FAANG’ technology is not just important to the corporate world…
Governments around the world also want to own and develop it
Russian President Vladimir Putin told students in Moscow last year:
“The one who becomes leader in this [technology] will become ruler of the world.”
President Xi Jinping of China says of this technology:
“Our country will be the biggest.”
They may both be right.
See, ‘new FAANG’ technology is going to change the world – dramatically and permanently – over the next decade.
It will change the way you work (some economists predict that as many as 70 percent of all jobs will be affected…)
It will change the way you travel… by road and air especially.
It will change how and what you eat.
It will change how you interact with other people… and how you spend money.
Truth be told, you may not like some of these changes… at first.
But overall, as I’ll prove to you in this letter…
The quality of your life (and that of your kids) is going to improve — radically
In a moment, I’ll show you why I believe that.
Prepare yourself: it’s either going to get you all amped up… or have you running for the hills!
But forgive me for a second because I want to cut straight to the urgent part.
The investment opportunity.
At this very moment, you could have a BIG advantage over most private investors
Right now, there’s a limited time window to invest in some of the companies that are developing this specialised technology.
This could help you turn a few hundred dollars of your spare cash into a small fortune…
…As long as you act quickly on the information I’m about to share with you.
Not much is known about these ‘New FAANG’ businesses outside tech industry circles.
This is because there’s currently no classification for these types of companies… on any stock exchange in the world.
By that, I mean there is not a single mention of this fast-emerging industry in any of the 11 sectors, 68 industries, or 157 sub-industries of the Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS).
Not one!
But that doesn’t mean there’s no way to invest…
Take it from me: there are a handful of very high potential listed stocks out there… it’s just that they’re ‘hiding in plain sight’.
Currently, these stocks are listed under a bunch of different sectors and classifications: energy… materials… information technology… telecommunications… industrials… and more…
That makes things really confusing for individual investors… they don’t where to find the best stocks.
And it makes life really difficult for Wall Street analysts, who like to specialise in particular categories.
As a result, this niche sector gets very little institutional coverage.
And that’s unfortunate… because the market for its products is growing… FAST.
Right now, private investors are missing out on colossal gains.
Put it this way. Since January 2016, the four original FAANG companies have collectively gone up by an average of 72%.
Over the same timeframe…
An Australian ‘Next FAANG’ company called Fastbrick is up 600%…

Another company, Appen Ltd is up 411%…

Cognex is up 293%…

And a fourth ‘Next FAANG’ stock, Yaskawa, is up 216%

I’m guessing you haven’t heard of any of these companies.
They’re not what you’d call ‘household names’.
Despite this, they – and a few more just like them – have roundly beaten the returns from the original FAANG stocks over the two-year period from Jan 1, 2016 to Jan 1, 2018.
And yet, ironically…
You’d struggle to know where to find their listings on ANY stock exchange
These companies operate in the emerging industry I’m going to tell you about in this letter.
I hope you’ll take the time to read it carefully…
…Because the growth of this new industry is going to create many wonderful opportunities in the months and years to come…
…And generate incredible wealth for those invested in it.
As billionaire Mark Cuban told SXSW in March:
“The world’s first trillionaires are going to come from [this emerging industry]…”
I’m going to tell you about four ‘New FAANG’ opportunities today.
If you decide you want to take advantage of them… you’ll need to be quick.
This industry is poised to EXPLODE over the next 12-24 months
Two ‘tell-tale’ signals suggest a breakout is imminent…
First – as you can see here – there’s been an almost tenfold increase in venture capital investment in this industry in just two years:

When you see this much seed capital flooding into an industry, year on year, there’s only one conclusion you can draw…
Rich investors see GIGANTIC long-term potential here
Here’s the second ‘tell-tale’ signal…
Annual patent filings for this technology have TRIPLED over the last ten years.
Economists call increasing patent filings a ‘leading indicator’.
In other words, they see this as a sign a market is getting ready to boom.
In a moment, I’ll show you four specific ways to invest in this market – before the coming boom prices out regular folks.
Just like the original FAANG trade, get in on the ground floor and I’m convinced you could make three, maybe five, times your money in very short order… Then as much as 1,000% — 2,000% longer term.
Also like the FAANG trade, this new opportunity is best known by an acronym…
Robotics, Automation and Artificial Intelligence
Now, as you sit there reading this, you may not be fully aware of the disruptive whirlwind that’s headed your way.
By the end of this letter, you will be.
Steve Jurvetson, a director at Elon Musk’s Tesla and SpaceX companies says:
“A lot of people are going to come in contact with robots in the next two to five years…”
Politico magazine wrote:
“It’s easy to think we’re living through a disruptive period now, but we’re only scratching the surface of what true technological change can do to a society. Most of us have never experienced the sort of dramatic economic change that turns existing ways of life on their head. Soon, we will.”
Now there are two ways you can go with this…
You can either snap your laptop shut and go and do something else… something less confronting, perhaps.
Or you can listen to – and embrace – what I’m about to tell you.
I strongly suggest you do the latter.
Because there’s a real opportunity here
Let me show you this opportunity in the simplest terms I can…
Today, the global robotics industry’s total market capitalisation stands at around US$60 billion.
Now I know that sounds big… but in the scheme of things, it’s TINY.
To give you a comparison, the energy industry’s current total market cap is US$3.68 trillion…
So the global energy industry is currently 61 times bigger than the robotics industry – in terms of the market cap of its companies.
In other words: right now, the robotics industry is comparatively small.
How does it get bigger?
By growing its revenues
According to research firm Tractica, at the end of 2017, total global revenue in the robotics industry sat at just under US$50 billion.
But get this…
In 2022 – just four years from now – Tractica expects revenues to soar to US$237 billion.
That’s almost a fivefold increase…
…In just FOUR YEARS from now…
Here’s a chart showing Tractica’s projection (and remember, we haven’t even got to the end of 2018 yet…)

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